The Construction Source

At every step along the way, they are passionate about getting the details right and they are committed to acting with integrity and transparency. Their mission is not only to create an exceptional quality product, but also an exceptional client experience. “When we say integrity and client experience, we mean it,” says Kenny Toews, Site Manager. “From start to finish and beyond, we welcome our clients into the Villamar family as we journey together to build them the perfect home. No matter how complex or straightforward, whether new build or renovation, we stay true to these core values by doing the right thing – every time.” “We know how important our homes are to their clients,” adds Duane Ensing, Principal Designer. “We know in a lot of cases, it’s one of the biggest investments they will make in their lives. That’s why at Villamar, every home is tailormade with intentionality and thoughtfulness, as though it were our own. Each project presents a unique opportunity to partner with our clients to craft the home of their dreams. Our award-winning team ensures that at every step your build is executed with precision and care – to ensure the result is as breathtaking as when it was first imagined.” Villamar was first established in 2006 by Dan Schuetze, the company’s founder and president. He started with “not much more than a pick-up truck, a pouch, and a single house to construct,” according to Duane. In the years since, the company has evolved from those humble beginnings into a company with multiple divisions, including Villamar Construction, Villamar Design, and Villamar Technical Services – the latter of which is one of the leading telecom contractors in Western Canada. Duane credits Villamar’s steady growth primarily to Dan’s “passion for quality, attention to detail, and his integrity” – DECEMBER 2023