The Construction Source

experts. We have an in-depth understanding of our client’s needs and how to meet those needs, just given the amount of experience we have.” “Another thing we do is we work alongside health professionals such as occupational therapists,” he adds. “They help us conduct home assessments - because for as much experience as we have, we don’t consider ourselves healthcare professionals. We know how to build and implement something and we have a very good idea of what the recommendations are going to be, but we don’t take anything for granted.” “We understand that we’re usually building for people who are going to have changing mobility needs over the course of their lives,” Griffin explains. “We never want to put something in that’s just going to solve their problem for this year, and then next year they have to pull it out and re-do it to meet whatever their requirements are then. In order to avoid that, we involve professionals like occupational therapists in the design and planning process. They assess the client and project their needs into the future, and then we try to deliver a solution that will meet their current needs and their future needs.” The subcontractors and trades that Shift works with are also industry experts, as many of them work only with Shift and thus only do accessible projects: “We put a huge amount of value on the trades we work with,” Griffin says. “I would consider some of them accessibility experts in their fields, just like we are.” That expertise matters, Griffin explains, because it means AUGUST 2023