The Construction Source

Calgary Municipal Land Corporation (CMLC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Calgary, incorporated in 2007 to implement and execute the Rivers District Community Revitalization Plan – a public infrastructure program approved by the city and the province to kick-start Calgary’s urban renewal. The Rivers District, a 504 acre area of Calgary’s east end sits at the centre of Calgary’s birthplace and at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers. Several of Calgary’s most popular and historic destination attractions are located in the area, including Fort Calgary and the Calgary Stampede. Unfortunately, prior to CMLCs involvements, many parts of the district were neglected and characterized by stagnated development, environmentally contaminated lands, inadequate infrastructure, and access problems – thus, Calgary City Council and the province of Alberta created the Rivers District Community Revitalization Plan, and created CMLC as a specialized team to deliver it.