The Construction Source

OCTOBER 2020 of building material delivery trucks, and their products are competitive priced. LIDA Homes maintains their quality by using companies like Slegg – and also by employing the right supervisors, according to Lawrie. “Our supervisors are always there to make sure that every- thing we deliver lives up to our standards,” she says. “If there’s ever an issue, they’ll catch it. If our quality ever falls short, they’ll make it better.” Lawrie says the company’s de- signers – such as her and Mika – will also come to site and do a walkthrough on every project, which can be vital to ensuring the client’s vision is honoured. “We’re the first connection with the client, so we know their project very well,” Lawrie says. “We know why everything is the way it is. We know what’s im- portant to them. We’re there to make sure that they get every- thing they want.” “That’s one of the advantages of having both design and build capabilities in one place, like LIDA Homes,” adds Mika. “We keep close tabs on the whole process. We make sure that nothing is lost in translation from the plan to the execution.”