The Construction Source

“A truly authentic place to live,” is how Damien Burggraeve, General Manager, describes it. “That’s what Tallus Ridge is all about.” Damien became the Gener- al Manager of Tallus Ridge in 2016, following a diverse career in the development industry that included home building, forestry, environmental engi- neering consulting, and a de- cade as a municipal planner. He was drawn to his role at Tal- lus Ridge for the same reasons buyers are drawn to the com- munity – the convenient loca- tion near downtown Kelowna, the natural beauty of the area, and the community feeling the team has tried to instil. “It’s not your cookie-cutter com- munity,” he says. “It’s a really special place. The area is beau- tiful, the homes are beautiful, and the community is well-es- tablished and growing fast. It ticks all the boxes.” When Damien first came on board Tallus Ridge, he was hired solely in a planning capacity. A couple years into his tenure, however, the company founded their own construction branch. They had seven sites zoned for multi-family home neighbour- hoods, they had already deliv- ered one with another builder, but they wanted more direct control over the process for the next six. In order to exert that control, OCTOBER 2020 “It’s a really special place. The area is beautiful, the homes are beautiful, and the community is well-established and growing fast. It ticks all the boxes.”