The Construction Source

OCTOBER 2020 The company’s award-winning job – Darcy’s personal home – was a project three years in the making. According to Darcy, it was challenging to design due to the peculiarities of the lot, but the long road made it it more satisfying when everything came together so well. “I love the finished product,” he says. “My wife absolutely loves it. The kids love it. We have everything at home – we have a home gym, a theatre area, a screened-in deck, an area for barbecuing. There’s also a secondary suite above the garage for future resale. We don’t really need anything more.” “From the mechanical systems we used, to the plumbing features we used, to the interior design features we chose – we just love every aspect of it.” Meanwhile, the company’s Parkview development – for which they were finalists in multiple categories both locally and nationally – involved creating two separate homes on the same lot. For the purpose of the award submissions, they called those homes the ‘3-Storey Farm House’ and the ‘PV Classic.’ Both of those homes were three full storeys, and they were some of the first three-storey projects of their kind. Until two years ago, a City of Edmonton bylaw dictated that a third storey could only be a maximum of 50 per cent of the square footage