The Construction Source

THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA company now mainly focuses on their own projects. They still occasionally tender and submit for external jobs, but Ben says they have become “very picky.” They only want to work for clients that care about quality as much as they do, the kind that are willing to invest the time and resources into doing a job right. Over their many years in business they have built a strong base of clients who fit that bill, and who always call Doornekamp Construction first. Ben credits that loyalty to the company’s aforementioned people. He says they put a lot of time and effort into identifying and hiring staff members who share the company’s values, and then they put just as much energy into retaining them. As a result, they have a core group of staff members that have been with the company for well over 20 years. “High quality people doing high quality work,” he says. “That’s what Doornekamp is all about.” The company also forms equally strong relationships with their consultants and project partners. As examples, Ben and Nate cite the relationships they have built on Gibbard District, with team members Silvercreek Communities and Studio JCI. Doornekamp had not worked with either of those companies prior to that project, but Ben and Nate say they admired and respected their previous projects, and they believe that respect was mutual. When they decided they could use a consultant more experienced in residential development, they brought Silvercreek to the table, and Silvercreek brought JCI. Nate says “the relationships have been great – we’re very thankful for them.” Nate adds that they are just as thankful for their other partnerships, which typically go back a lot longer. Many predate even Ben and Nate’s involvement with the business. “We’ve used the same concrete company for 30 years, the same tire company for 30 years,” he says. When we really like you, and you like us, we really stick with you. We’re not the type to chop and change and use different people on every project.” “Over the years, we’ve developed an incredible team,” he explains. “We communicate really well, we’re transparent with each other, and we trust each other. And when we do have an issue, everyone is comfortable to pick up the phone and ask questions, and then listen to the answers. It doesn’t always have to be a fight.”