The Construction Source

JUNE 2020 their suppliers. The majority of those relationships go back 30 years, and Lisa says they have built on mutual respect and a mutual commitment to quality. “Our suppliers know what we’re about,” she says. “We’ve dealt with them for so long that they know what we’ll accept and what we won’t accept.” Looking forward, Lisa says that the goal is to maintain those relationships with suppliers and employees. She says they also want to maintain their re- lationships with existing clients – even as they form new ones, perhaps with clients beyond Calgary. “We’ll continue to provide Cal- gary and surrounding areas with the quality woodwork that we’re known for, but we’re also looking for new opportunities every day, and we’re starting to look outside of Calgary,” Lisa says. “We’re interested in developing into other cities and even coun- tries. We believe that expand- ing our horizons and entering new markets would be benefi- cial due to the state of the econ- omy in Calgary at the moment. That’s something we’re looking at that we’ve never done be- fore.” “At the same time, we’re going to keep the client’s we have now really happy, and give them the best price and the best product we can,” she concludes. “That’s something we’re always going to strive for. That’s part of our DNA. That’s what Nick was all about, and we’re going to carry on his legacy.”