The Construction Source
THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA Recently, Pickard Construction concluded FTTH projects in both Kitchener and Chatham, and they have just started an FTTH design-build project in Sarnia. They are also in the second year of a large project that involves placing fibre to help service un- der-serviced rural areas. According to Colin, those are the kind of projects Pickard Construction will continue to pursue. In particular, they see a lot of opportunity in placing fibre in rural communities, like they are doing now. With more people working and learning from home than ever due to the pandemic, they expect there to be a continued push to get fibre to rural communities, and to narrow the divide between ur- ban and rural broadband qual- ity of service. “Over the next five years, the need for high quality broad- band will continue to grow,” Col- in predicts. “We will be here to help our customers bridge that gap.” Speaking of the pandemic, Col- in explains that it slowed the company down only a little bit at the start, as they figured out new systems and processes to keep their employees safe. The majority of their clients were and are essential services, how- ever, so Pickard Construction was deemed an essential ser- vice in turn. They have since slowly built back up, and have remained both safe and profit- able. Never going away
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