Mountain View Building Supplies

even building suppliers based elsewhere in Canada. “In Alberta – and specifically here in Calgary – we have wicked weather swings in the winter, and we have Chinooks, and they wreak havoc on building materials,” Joel explains. “Just because something works down in the States or it works everywhere else in the world doesn’t necessarily mean it will work here. We are very aware of that.” “We pride ourselves on being project experts and knowing everything about the products that work in our environment,” he continues. “We make valueadded suggestions so people take home the products that will not only perform and look good the first year, but will look good for many years into the future.” According to Joel, Mountain View earns their product/ project knowledge proactively, by conducting “non-stop testing” and “non-stop product knowledge seminars,” Joel explains. “We hang our shingle out there and we let manufacturers know that if they want to get a product tested or they want to try something new, we’re the ones to come to,” he says. “We’ll try it. We’ll put it up on display outside the shop. We’ll move it around to all the different areas where the sun hits. We’ll expose it to the snow and the wind.” “We’ll try the product ourselves before we put it up for sale,” he adds, “because we want to be sure that we can sleep at night knowing we’ve given our customers the right suggestions.” Over the years, that MOUNTAIN VIEW BUILDING MATERIALS