Elevate Living

and electric scooter share program. It’s also going to be fully SmartONE technology integrated. In line with Elevate Living’s mission to cater to a mixed demographic, it will also include some affordable units – Drew says they are “very excited” to provide those affordable units to the market, and their goal moving forward will be to provide even more of them. Lastly, Drew brings up the Elevate Living Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), which they launched last year. With that trust, they are offering investors the chance to invest in their projects, contribute to the development of much needed housing supply in Ontario, while also receiving attractive returns. “That fund is a key initiative that is going to help us grow and move into the future,” Drew concludes. “So we are definitely poised for growth – we’re poised to increase the amount of development sites we have and we’re also poised to increase our amount of units under construction. It’s an exciting time for Elevate Living.” GTA - John - 416-782-7227 x1 johnv@egmond.ca Hamilton - Julie - 416-782-7227 x 5 juliev@egmond.ca London - Nicole - 416-782-7227 x 2 nicolem@egmond.ca Niagara - Dayo - 416-782-7227 x 3 dadeyemo@egmondassociates.com www.egmond.ca Egmond Associates Ltd (GTA including Niagara, Hamilton, London) Egmond Associates Ltd offer you geotechnical, geoenvironmental, geothermal, seismic, site characterization (DSS, LIDAR, Storm Water, Civil) to our clients. We offer you storm water investigations and management tools. Our clients define their projects and we work with you to deliver results you need as the projects progress. ELEVATE LIVING