Little Red River Group of Companies

relationships with industry stakeholders – including employees, engineering firms, subcontractors, and also utility providers and other construction companies. The strength of those relationships has also helped propel the company’s growth. “We’ve made a name for ourselves in northern Alberta,” Gareth says. “It’s been a wild ride, but a very rewarding one.” Gareth very recently moved on from Caribou Mountain Construction to focus on his role in a company he founded, but he is currently helping Caribou Mountain Construction with the transition, and he will continue to work with the Little Red River Group on a consulting basis. These days, the team at Caribou Mountain Construction comprises about 20-to25 people. That team is capable of taking on a wide array of projects that fall under the category of ‘civil construction.’ The list includes: telecommunications, shallow utility installation, deep utility installation, earth moving, lot servicing, clearing and grubbing, vegetation management, road construction, storm pond construction, dredging, and offshore marine construction. According to Jon McQuinn, clients in those categories choose Caribou Mountain Construction for a “few main reasons.” One of those main reasons is the fact that they are 100 per cent First Nationowned. He says there are a couple benefits to that ownership – for example, as part of the government’s work to advance economic reconciliation, Canada is supporting Indigenous businesses with federal THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA