Homestead Woodworks

actually come to be particularly well known for their front doors. All of their doors are custom designed using wood species, and they are installed with construction techniques designed to withstand harsh Canadian winters. Several years ago, the company even received national certification for their door system. “The warmth and beauty of a wooden front door adds charm as it provides a first impression of your home’s character,” Clare says. “Our front doors make a great statement.” Also in recent years, Homestead Woodworks has earned recognition for their work with New Horizon Development Group. That work includes finishing interior lobbies and trimming suites in towers. According to Bryan Gingerich, sales and project manager, the relationship with New Horizon resulted from a referral given by a designer, who spread the word about the value of their work. Bryan has been with Homestead Woodworks for about eight years, and has personally seen the company make great strides in the commercial sector. “We’re seeing quite a bit of interest in the commercial condo world,” he says. “We’ve been just stepping into that briefly in the last couple of years. That’s where I spend most of my time, in luxury condos.” Once again, Clare credits Homestead Woodworks’ burgeoning success in that sector – and the company’s success in general, with all their clients, in all sectors – to the values his father instilled in HOMESTEAD WOODWORKS Castle Kilbride Heritage Project