replica, but they took the request as a huge compliment. The buyers of the original home, coincidentally, ended up being quite religious, but Sarah says that’s not even what drove their decision: “They bought it based off the quality,” she says. “They said they went through so many houses, and they said ‘Hands down, this is the best quality we’ve seen.’ They ended up buying all the furniture too. They just loved everything about it.” Corey also believes that those buyers – and all Pure West clients, for that matter – responded to the home’s functionality and emphasis on comfort. Corey says they focus heavily on those things with every design: “A lot homes have 36-to-42-inch hallways. Our minimum is 48 inches. We try to incorporate things like 42-inch front doors. We promote ease of movement. We take that kind of thing to heart. We try to build every single house as if we were going to move into the house, and what would we be comfortable with?” Looking forward, Corey and Sarah’s goal is to maintain that mentality even as the company grows – while being careful not to grow too big and risk compromising on their quality. “I know from my experience with my cleaning company that once you get too big it stops being fun,” Sarah says. “We want to keep it fun. We want to keep it personal. We want to stay a boutique builder.” “When you get too big, you start having to depend on people you don’t even necessarily have a relationship with,” Corey adds. “It gets really hard to keep tabs on everything and maintain quality. We never want to get to that point.” As previously mentioned, the company’s vision is to ultimately get to 12-to-24 homes per year, with one or two starts per month. At that size, Corey and Sarah believe they can still form personal relationships with clients and still be personally involved in each and every project. “Corey and I both love what we do,” Sarah concludes. “We love design and we love building. We love making people’s dreams come true. That’s what we want to focus on.” PURE WEST DEVELOPMENTS