Opportunity & growth Recently, Keystone Environmental has been working more and more with Indigenous communities, who are now partnering with developers more than ever before. “We’re seeing a lot of partnerships between Indigenous communities and our developer clients,” Raminder says. “We’re kind of their go-to environmental consulting firm when it comes to developing land and going through the permitting process. Because we have these longstanding relationships, it’s a good fit. It makes sense for them to come to us.” There’s also a federal government program to return the management of land back to Indigenous communities. As part of that transfer, Keystone Environmental is frequently brought in to assess the land for environmental liabilities. “That’s a big part of our business now,” Mike says. “We do focus a lot on it. We’ve had a consultant come in and train our staff on cultural KEYSTONE ENIVORNMENTAL KeystoneEnvironmentalfieldstafftraveltovarious project locations and are able to enjoy the beauty of BC and abroad, including the Nootka Sound located on the west coast of Vancouver Island.