Leko Precast

THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA assurance program that ensures their concrete can be counted on for a lifetime in any application. That program includes regular field testing and compression strength testing, conducted both in- house and by third parties. The PERFECT manhole system, in particular, has a lot of quality control baked in. For example, benching by hand is the industry standard – but with the PERFECT system, channels are mechanically programmed and robotically cut, which reduces many of the problems commonly associated with hand-benching. Then there’s the company’s customer service – which is similarly stand-out, Janane says. She explains that they take a lot of pride in being responsive to their clients – in responding promptly when they have questions or concerns, and in acting quickly when they have issues. “Good service is about not keeping people waiting,” Janene says. “If the client has a question or a problem, we respond right away.” It helps, she explains, that Leko has an “intimate office environment,” where basically everyone knows what’s going on with every project. So when their clients phone the office, they are almost guaranteed to talk to someone who can help them.