Accent Infills
ACCENT INF I LLS Recently, Accent Infills completed construction of ‘The Provincial,’ which is a brand new model of theirs. At roughly 2,300 square feet, it includes a finished basement, “a beautiful kitchen,” “a unique and creative stairwell,” and a “really beautiful yard,” among other features. “We’re super excited about that,” Jeff says. “We’re very proud of that design and that build, and we’re eager to see how the market responds.” In the near future, Accent Infills will also be commencing work on their first multi-family project. “That will be our first kick at the can in that sector, and hopefully that will open the door for some future successes,” Jeff says. The company also recently purchased a lot in Edmonton’s McKernan subdivision. The plan there is to do build another large high-end custom home, which they will start construction on in the fall. So again, Jeff sums up, “it’s an exciting time.” “We’re building really great homes and we’re satisfying our clients,” he concludes. “The opportunity is there to grow, to explore new neighbourhoods potentially, and to introduce new product lines – but for now, we’re happy. We’re doing what we love to do.” Future success
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