MPD Glass & Vinyl Graphics

MPD GLASS & VINYL a sincere regard for them, their lives, their families,” he continues. “And I think they see that we love what we do and the products we create. Hopefully that fosters creativity and encourages them.” The company must be doing something right, Chris believes, because the majority of their staff is longstanding. He himself is a prime example – he joined roughly 25 years ago and is still there today – but he’s not the only one. “We don’t have a lot of turnover,” he says. “One of my other partners retired four years ago after being here 20-plus years. We had another guy retire last year after being here 15 years. We have another guy who’s been here 13.” “We take pride in that,” he adds. “That shows that we have a good environment. It shows that people are happy here and want to stick around. That’s important. People spend as much time at work as they do with their families, sometimes more, so they should have fun doing it.”