
I’m building memories; I’m im- pacting the way people live and experience their daily life.” “Don’t get me wrong,” he adds, “we work hard to be success- ful; to make a profit so we can support our staff; continue to move forward and give back to the community. But at the end of the day, what makes me tru- ly satisfied is knowing that I’ve done those things, but at the same time, I’ve created some- thing special. Something that exceeds expectations, sets a new benchmark, something that people look at and say ‘Wow!’” When it comes to exceeding the expectations of their end-us- ers, Holborn does not limit it- self to one development sector or property type. Joo Kim says their goal is to keep pushing themselves to be continually improving. “We always want to be growing, learning, and tak- ing on new challenges.” Whether it’s residential tow- ers, mixed-use and commer- cial buildings, hotels or mas- ter-planned communities, the commonality between all Hol- born projects is quality – espe- cially when it comes to design. “That’s in our DNA,” Joo Kim says. “We love design. We be- lieve it’s very important to have the best designs possible.” However, he’s quick to clarify that having the best designs doesn’t necessarily mean hav- ing the most expensive ones. According to Joo Kim, the best kind of designs are the most thoughtful ones where “every nook and cranny” is carefully considered, where each space has a purpose, and every detail has a reason for being where it is. In addition to having a thought- ful design approach, Holborn projects must also be innova- tive. Joo Kim has no interest in creating buildings that are ordi- nary or tried-and-true. “We don’t want to do things the way they’ve been done before,” he says. “We believe there is al- ways a better way, and we want to find it.” HOLBORN