Canada. Holborn’s start in the Canadian real estate market was a pragmatic and gradual expansion. While TA Enterprise focused more on the finance and retail stockbroking sector, Holborn began making a name for itself in hotels and residen- tial developments. Not interest- ed in pursuing a future in the finance, Joo Kim used his pas- sion for design and real estate to build the company’s devel- opment portfolio when he took over Holborn’s leadership in its early days. “My parents came more from a financial background, but I didn’t want to follow in their footsteps,” he recalls. “I needed something more than numbers to keep me motivated, to get me excited to wake up in the morning.” “I was given a chance to work in real estate at a young age, and thank God because I devel- oped a real passion for it. I ab- solutely fell in love with the de- sign process. I love the fact that I’m working toward something more than just making money. THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA “The level of ar- chitectural design and custom interior details in our homes are things you don’t typically find in mas- ter-planned commu- nities anywhere.”
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