Dependable Renovations

Dependable Renovations’ com- mitment to quality and service has not gone unnoticed or un- recognized by the industry. Their HomeStars and Houzz profiles, for example, are full of overwhelmingly positive re- views and ratings. Houzz has awarded them ‘Best of Houzz’ for service three years in a row, which means they have been consistently rated at the highest level for client satisfaction on the website. Those ratings are reflected in the company’s history of repeat business and referrals. Before the company joined those two sites, they generated literally all of their work from past clients. Some clients they have worked with on up to five phases of their house over the years, and many recent clients have pledged to work with them again in the fu- ture. Then there are industry bodies such as BILD (Building Industry & Land Development Associa- tion) and the CHBA (Canadian Home Builders’ Association) – they have also taken notice of what Dependable Renovations is doing. Over the last few years, the company has won numer- ous awards and received na- tional recognition for their work. In 2018 Dependable Renova- tions won two Calgary BILD Awards for ‘Best Home Ren- ovation (with Addition),’ and ‘Best Kitchen over $70,000’ for their ‘Warm & Tranquil’ whole Focused on people DEPENDABLE RENOVATIONS