refused to even go there, be- cause they didn’t think they could do anything about it. We showed up and, 11 hours later, we identified what was causing the problem and we found the solution.” Frank, founded RFG Plumb- ing alongside his sons, Ryan and Brandon. Frank’s a master plumber, Ryan and Brandon are apprentices, and they all come from a long line of plumb- ers, going all the way back to Frank’s grandfather. “It’s in our blood,” Ryan says. “It’s who we are, it’s what we do. It’s what has put food on the ta- ble for all our lives.” Going into business together in 2016 seemed like a “no-brain- er,” Ryan recalls. They started off doing simple service calls while they all had second jobs. In only four months, business picked up to the point where Ryan and Brandon were able to make it their full time gigs. Since then, the company has contin- ued to grow steadily, leading up to the launch of RFG Electrical in 2019. Ryan credits the company’s sustained success to their aforementioned determination to get things done, no matter what it takes. “It’s our drive, our perseverance, it’s our work ethic,” he says. “We work well as a team and we get it done. That’s the way we were raised, and that’s how we train our apprentices. We never give up. Our customers have come to and appreciate that.” The company’s peers in the in- dustry have also come to ap- preciate RFG’s diligence and ex- pertise. According to Ryan, they often get referrals from other plumbing companies for jobs that they couldn’t figure out. “That says a lot about our repu- tation,” he says. In addition to their prob- lem-solving abilities, RFG is also set apart by their customer ser- vice. Ryan says that’s another arena where they go “above and beyond.” That means pay- ing extra attention to the clean- liness of the site, it means being RFG PLUMBING
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