Stonerise Construction

Wade Gayowsky is the Execu- tive Vice President of Stonerise Construction, and oversees all aspects of their projects. He says, “Everything we do is about executing the client’s vision.” Wade joined Stonerise roughly six years ago, at a time when they primarily worked for a sin- gle developer. Since he joined up, the company has evolved and developed considerably. In the years since, they have con- tinuously refined their process- es and improved their efficien- cies. They have also branched out, taking on more varied proj- ects for a wider range of clients. Today, Stonerise Construction is a full-service company ca- pable of taking on any project, large or small, in the commer- cial, industrial, and multi-resi- dential sectors. They have the expertise and capacity to take projects from concept stage through to fully operational sta- tus, and they have the flexibility to tailor their offering to each client’s individual needs. Their range of services include: gen- eral contracting, design-build, construction management, project management, and con- sulting. In recent years, Stonerise has most demonstrated their value on high-rise residential projects – the kind that few other com- panies even take on. According to Wade, Stonerise has become known as the specialists in that sector. STONERISE CONSTRUCTION “Today, Stonerise Con- struction is a full-ser- vice company capable of taking on any project, large or small, in the commercial, industrial, and multi-residential sectors.”