Stonerise Construction

THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA In the early stages of the pan- demic, Stonerise Construction voluntarily shut down their sites for a little over a week in order to adapt the business. Wade and his team wrote and implemented multiple policies and procedures relating to virus protection. These measures in- cluded social distancing through scheduling, dedicated stairwells for ascending and descending so there would be no crossover, cleaning high-touch areas multi- ple times a day, and mandating personal protective equipment when social distancing is not possible. The Ministry of Labour later vis- ited one of their sites and com- mended Stonerise for their ef- forts. “The policies that we had wrote exceeded the requirements that the government came up with when they opened up con- struction again,” Wade says. Moving forward, Wade’s goal is to continue exceeding expecta- tions – not just when it comes to pandemic preparedness, but in all areas of their operation. He wants the business to contin- ue improving their quality, and to continue to deal with clients openly and honestly. He be- lieves that continuous improve- ment, combined with that com- mitment to integrity, is the key to future growth. Exceeding expectations