Magnificent Homes
still have in common, however, is value for money. “We have a big storage facil- ity, and we procure most of our materials in bulk,” Omar explains. “That has given us a significant competitive edge in buying power, and we pass all those savings on to our cus- tomers.” “That’s what sets us apart from everybody,” he adds. “We can offer houses for a lower price than anybody else, while still offering the same – and some- times even higher – quality.” Magnificent Homes is also set apart by their aforementioned “stress-free” building process. They achieve that effect by forming close partnerships with clients from the very beginning of the process, and then staying in constant communication ev- ery step of the way – from the design, through to the pouring of the foundation, the installa- tion of the framework, the fin- ishing touches on the interior, and then the final handover of the keys. “Our aim on every project is to have a customer at the begin- ning of the process, and then a friend by the end,” Omar says. “We’re very focused on that re- lationship.” One of the ways the company reduces stress early on in the process is by having clients visit their showroom in their ware- house. There, they have sam- ples of virtually all the material selections a client could make, allowing them to experience and select them all in one place, without having to tour differ- ent facilities around town. That practice is more common in the GTA, but Magnificent Homes is one of the only builders that can offer it in London. Even more significantly, Magnif- icent Homes uses technology to improve the client’s experience. Early on in their operation, they identified scheduling and cus- tomer online system that Omar says has made a world of differ- ence. THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA
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