Magnificent Homes

MAGNIFICENT HOMES Most recently, Magnificent Homes announced 40 sin- gle-family homes in a devel- opment called Kilally on the Thames. Within two weeks of launching advertising, those lots were 95 per cent sold out. Many of the buyers had built with the company before, or knew someone who had. Moving forward, those are the kind of loyal client relationships the company hopes to continue building. They also hope to con- tinue growing, in multiple ways – they want to be a bigger com- pany, and they want to build bigger buildings. They have al- ready formed partnerships with like-minded developers to de- liver townhouses and mid-ris- es over the next several years, and they are always looking for more of those partners. “We want to grow, and we want to work with talented develop- ers and employees who share in our vision,” Omar concludes. “We’re staying on the lookout for those people. “ “We want to grow, and we want to work with talented developers and employees who share in our vision.”