FAAS Architecture
THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA or what sector they work in – have chosen FAAS Architecture due to their reputation. He says the firm has done almost no marketing, and that the vast majority of their work has been generated from word of mouth, referrals, and past contacts. He has been working in the indus- try for 20 years, and James has been working for 30, and he says they have built some very trusting and loyal client rela- tionships in that time. “We achieved our goal from the beginning, and we have become known for being very execution-based,” Michael says. “The clients that tend to gravi- tate to us are the same way. They really want to have their buildings built. They appreci- ate that we hold ourselves and them accountable to the fun- damentals. There are real bud- gets, real schedules. We don’t shy away from those things.” “We do push a lot on the de- sign agenda,” he adds, “but we always do it in the context of ‘What is the client’s goal?’ and ‘What is an achievable result based on their budget and their schedule?’ Those are the ques- tions we’re constantly asking and answering. That’s our con- stant focus.” As a result of that focus, FAAS Architecture has successfully built very strong relationships with what Michael describes as a “core group of clients” – and he says they like to keep that group exclusive, so as not to di- lute their personal service. “We like to form an intimate connection with our clients,” he says. “We get to know how they work, we get to know what they expect, and we learn how to service them to the best of our ability.”
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