Cedar Winds

Cedar Winds is a turn-key cot- tage and home builder dedi- cated to providing clients with a better way to build. From the start, more than 20 years ago, the company has been owned and operated by directors Glenn and Teresa Evans. Together, they founded the business with one goal: to design and build homes in Ontario’s Haliburton and Minden for families as pas- sionate about the area as they are. Over the years, they have consistently achieved that goal, and they have become progres- sively more efficient and cli- ent-friendly along the way. Glenn Evans is a veteran of the local building industry, and he has always been committed to doing things differently. He originally trained as an architec- tural technologist, and eventu- ally ended up joining his father at an excavation company. Back then, he wasn’t satisfied with what he saw as the industry standard, and he didn’t approve of the way many contractors in- teracted with their clients. “A lot of the problems I saw came down to poor commu- nication skills,” he recalls. “It wasn’t necessarily that custom- ers were being misled, but they weren’t being told the whole story. I didn’t feel that was right.” “I saw contractors making deci- sions based on what was best for them or their bottom line, as opposed to what was best for the customer,” he adds. “I dis- CEDAR WINDS “We all know what the budget is, and we’re all working towards fulfill- ing the client’s needs in a way that meets the budget.”