PARC Retirement Living

live here.” “I believe that’s why they choose us – because we offer choice,” she says. In addition, the company of- fers “connection,” with both residents and team members. According to Jacqueline, that starts from the top down. When she is on site, she appreciates the fact that residents feel com- fortable talking directly to her. She says they can even talk to founder Rainer Müller when he’s around, and he’s just as welcoming. “Residents really feel like they’re part of the family,” she says. “Those are the kind of relation- ships we like to build.” The strength of those relation- ships is reflected in the high rat- ings the company receives on their resident surveys, as well as the positive feedback they get at their monthly resident meetings. It’s also reflected in their average length of stay, which has increased dramati- cally over the years – and their evolving focus on wellness has a lot to do with that as well. “That shows us that what we’re doing is working, and the resi- dents are telling us that what we’re doing is working,” Jacque- line says. “They are really enjoy- ing their new home.” THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA